com Salsinha da Maria Cacilda
e Leite de Coco Paraibano
com Salsinha da Maria Cacilda
e Leite de Coco Paraibano
200 ml de leite de coco da Paraíba
1/2 kg de salmão do Alasca (daqueles que os ursos gostam!)
Sal potiguar e pimenta-do-reino da Pérsia a gosto
1/2 xícara (chá) de maionese grega
Suco de 1/2 limão gaulês
1 colher (sopa) de azeite extra-virgem do Ribatejo
1 cebola jamaicana cortada em rodelas
1 colher (sopa) de amido de milho colombiano
1 1/2 xícara (chá) de leite de ovelha javanesa
Salsa picadinha da barraca da Maria Cacilda da feira da praça da Ucrânia
Modo de preparo:
Corte o salmão em fatias grossas, tempere com limão, sal, pimenta e metade da maionese e deixe tomar gosto por alguns minutos.
Numa frigideira com tampa, coloque o azeite e a cebola, regue com metade do leite de coco e leve ao fogo baixo, tampada, por 10 minutos.
Acrescente as postas de salmão e cozinhe de 5 a 7 minutos até o salmão começar a soltar suas fibras.
Em uma panela, faça um creme com o leite de coco restante, a maisena e o leite, cozinhando sem parar de mexer, até engrossar.
Retire do fogo, acrescente a maionese restante e despeje sobre o salmão, polvilhando com salsa. Sirva bem quente.
Vai bem com Vinho Branco Chileno Los Vascos Chardonnay, 2004, da região de Peralillo, Colchagua (15ºC a 16ºC).
Como trilha sonora recomendo The Salmon Dance, do Chemical Brothers:
200 ml de leite de coco da Paraíba
1/2 kg de salmão do Alasca (daqueles que os ursos gostam!)
Sal potiguar e pimenta-do-reino da Pérsia a gosto
1/2 xícara (chá) de maionese grega
Suco de 1/2 limão gaulês
1 colher (sopa) de azeite extra-virgem do Ribatejo
1 cebola jamaicana cortada em rodelas
1 colher (sopa) de amido de milho colombiano
1 1/2 xícara (chá) de leite de ovelha javanesa
Salsa picadinha da barraca da Maria Cacilda da feira da praça da Ucrânia
Modo de preparo:
Corte o salmão em fatias grossas, tempere com limão, sal, pimenta e metade da maionese e deixe tomar gosto por alguns minutos.
Numa frigideira com tampa, coloque o azeite e a cebola, regue com metade do leite de coco e leve ao fogo baixo, tampada, por 10 minutos.
Acrescente as postas de salmão e cozinhe de 5 a 7 minutos até o salmão começar a soltar suas fibras.
Em uma panela, faça um creme com o leite de coco restante, a maisena e o leite, cozinhando sem parar de mexer, até engrossar.
Retire do fogo, acrescente a maionese restante e despeje sobre o salmão, polvilhando com salsa. Sirva bem quente.
Vai bem com Vinho Branco Chileno Los Vascos Chardonnay, 2004, da região de Peralillo, Colchagua (15ºC a 16ºC).
Como trilha sonora recomendo The Salmon Dance, do Chemical Brothers:
Hello Boys and Girls, my name is FatLip
and this is my friend Sammy the Salmon
''1 - 2''
Today, we're going to teach you
some fun facts about Salmon,
And a brand new dance.
Let me introduce to you a brand new dance
I know you're gonna love it if you give it one chance
It's not complicated, it's not too hard
You don't even have to be a hip hop star
See anyone can do it, all you need is style
Listen up peep gang (?) I'm a show you how
Put your hands to the side, as silly
And shake your body like a salmon floatin' up stream!
I'll float up stream
(you know how we do it, you know how we do it)
*All my peeps spend part of their life in fresh water*
*And part of their life in salt water*
Wow, very interesting
*We change round a couple of days after spawning*
*Then we DIE* (?)
When I first did the Salmon all the people just laughed
They looked around and stood like I was on crack
I heard somebody say out loud what the fuck is that
This nigga's dancin like a fish while he's doin' the snap
But the more I kept doing it the more they kept feelin' it
Tnd then I heard some bitches say yo that niggas killin' it
By the end of the night everyone was on my team
And the whole club was dancing like a salmon floatin' up stream!
I'll float up stream
(you know how we do it, you know how we do it)
*Most of our friends find their home waters by their sense of smell*
*which is even more keen than that of a dog or a bear*
*My family also rely on ocean currents, tides*
*The gravitational pull of the moon*
The moon? Fish pay attention to the moon? Wow.
*Did you know?*
*That I could go to Japan, and back.*
You're kidding me. Amazing. Jeez.
*Polluted water can kill both baby salmon, that are developing*
*and the adult salmon, that are on their way to spawn.*
Wow what a shame, what a shame
Wow. Hey kids, hey give it up for Sammy the Salmon and his amazing salmon dance.
Huh? Whadda ya say?
Who's Hungry?
and this is my friend Sammy the Salmon
''1 - 2''
Today, we're going to teach you
some fun facts about Salmon,
And a brand new dance.
Let me introduce to you a brand new dance
I know you're gonna love it if you give it one chance
It's not complicated, it's not too hard
You don't even have to be a hip hop star
See anyone can do it, all you need is style
Listen up peep gang (?) I'm a show you how
Put your hands to the side, as silly
And shake your body like a salmon floatin' up stream!
I'll float up stream
(you know how we do it, you know how we do it)
*All my peeps spend part of their life in fresh water*
*And part of their life in salt water*
Wow, very interesting
*We change round a couple of days after spawning*
*Then we DIE* (?)
When I first did the Salmon all the people just laughed
They looked around and stood like I was on crack
I heard somebody say out loud what the fuck is that
This nigga's dancin like a fish while he's doin' the snap
But the more I kept doing it the more they kept feelin' it
Tnd then I heard some bitches say yo that niggas killin' it
By the end of the night everyone was on my team
And the whole club was dancing like a salmon floatin' up stream!
I'll float up stream
(you know how we do it, you know how we do it)
*Most of our friends find their home waters by their sense of smell*
*which is even more keen than that of a dog or a bear*
*My family also rely on ocean currents, tides*
*The gravitational pull of the moon*
The moon? Fish pay attention to the moon? Wow.
*Did you know?*
*That I could go to Japan, and back.*
You're kidding me. Amazing. Jeez.
*Polluted water can kill both baby salmon, that are developing*
*and the adult salmon, that are on their way to spawn.*
Wow what a shame, what a shame
Wow. Hey kids, hey give it up for Sammy the Salmon and his amazing salmon dance.
Huh? Whadda ya say?
Who's Hungry?
Obs.: como não tenho grana pro salmão nem pro vinho, vou até a esquina traçar um pão com ovo e beber uma fanta uva. Bom apetite!
2 comentários:
O Gramofone Digital indica o Os Marlenes ao Prêmio Dardos.
Com o Prêmio Dardos se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro emprega ao transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais, etc. Que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que está e permanece intacto entre suas letras, entre suas palavras. Esses selos foram criados com a intenção de promover a confraternização entre os blogueiros, uma forma de demonstrar carinho e reconhecimento por um trabalho que agregue valor à Web.
Leia mais no
Igor Moura
Abraço e boa sorte.
Hummm, vou fazer esse salmão!
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